Akbar Mohammadi, Iranian Student is murdered through torture and violence in prison

Late last night, 3 August, 2006, a shocking letter was received from Iran, written by Akbar Mohammadi’s family,  in which our fears concerning the reasons behind Akbar’s death were confirmed. The family revealed how they witnessed Akbar’s dead body was thrown in a car to be transported away and the fact that the security police threatened Akbar’s family with taking away his body if the family in any way would attempt drawing attention to Akbar’s death, including  organizing a funeral ceremony.

In that letter, Saeed Ashrafpor, Akbar Mohammadi’s uncle, says ”the body was covered with bruises, the forehead was swollen, the jaw crushed and blood was running out of his ears during washing the body. Akbar’s body seemed to have been cut up from neck to abdomen and apparently later sewn back together before releasing his body to his family.
Now Akbar has left us and his death is a huge sorrow for all of us. But we must not forget that we owe him to not let his fight for democracy and freedom also leave us with his body..

First of all, we must continue to disclose the atrocities of the Islamic Republic in Iran (IRI) for this crime against human rights as well as all other murders and crimes they have carried out during the last 27 years. We must act in a powerful manner and, with the support of the international community, force the regime to allow an independent autopsy and an official review about Akbar’s death.

Furthermore, we along with the world community must once and for all, choose to see the political reality inside Iran and understand that Akbar Mohammadi was only one of many innocent people that the IRI has deprived from life.  Unless we act quickly there will be many more tortures and death similar to the destiny of Akbar Mohammadi, to mention a few, Ahmad Batebi, Proffesor Jahan Beglo, and Mansor Osanlo.  
Therefore, WE require today that the UN and all other democratic forces in the world to support us in this fight, through condemning every single of the humane rights that the Islamic regime violates every day.

We know that the only way we can achieve a democratic and free Iran is through bringing down this regime because we know that reform does not exist and is not possible within the dictatorship's framework .
Hereby, we demand that that all the world's powers and democratic countries to support the latest resolution approved by the UN´s Security Council, where the Islamic regime is warned and given until August 31, 2006 to immediately halt its uranium enrichment activities and nuclear weapons program.

IRI is a supporter of Syria, the Hizbollah guerrillas in Lebanon and the militant Palestinian group Hamas.  IRI has in the past and continues to support these terrorist groups both financially and by providing them with weapons;  this situation should not be tolerated by the world. We demand the European politicians to stop hiding and ignoring these facts and to realize once and for all the IRI is not just a violator of the Iranian people's interests but also the biggest threat to the global peace and security.  We demand that the world powers Stop compromising with the Islamic regime for temporary economical profits and look to long term safety of the world as the ultimate goal.
Down with the terrorist Islamic regime in Iran!

Victoria Azad //  Representative for the Iranian organisation for democracy in Iran.